
By Pakatu Communication
We are about to face training and audiovisual recycling, now including in depth the subject of the moment: LIVE BROADCAST .

We are a family owned and operated business.
It is a term that comes from English and means to transmit. It is the process by which certain information is transmitted or diffused to many receivers at the same time. It consists of two distinct words: broad, which means broad or large-scale, and cast, which means to send, project, transmit.
The broadcast is responsible for the transmission of any type of media. It can be via radio waves, satellites, cables, optical fibers, telephone lines, internet and etc.
This is where it all starts. They are the plans, the texts, the sequences, the camera changes, the soundtracks, the videos, screens, cards, credits ... in short.
All material necessary for the event to take place must be prepared here.
Production and
Light, camera, audio, clapperboard, action!
We are a family owned and operated business.
This is where all the material is captured. Whether live or recorded, it is the moment where everything should happen.
We are a family owned and operated business.
If the material is recorded, then post-production now enters. If it's live, let's go to the next step.
Conversion and
All material captured by the cameras, cables and microphones must now be combined and handled for transmission.
In recorded material this is the moment of post-production. If it’s live, we’re in TV control and Master control.
your stuff
Now is the time to send everything to your audience.
We are a family owned and operated business.
It doesn't matter the medium. If there is someone on the other side receiving your production, you have done your job correctly!
We are a family owned and operated business.
You broadcast!
• Professional Audio:
- Basic elements of audio
- Fundraising
- Recording
- Treatment
- Mixing
We are a family owned and operated business.
• Video:
- Brief history of cinema
- The types of cameras and their evolution
- Lenses
- Basic lighting and scenography
- Video resolutions and codecs
- Frameworks
- Field depth
- Video editing and editing
- Color treatment
- Export and liveplay
We are a family owned and operated business.
• Graphic design:
- Introduction to graphic design
- Mobile tools and freewares
- Basic structuring
- Typography
- Brief color theory
- Distribution of elements
- Graphic production for video
We are a family owned and operated business.
• Broadcast:
- Brief history of broadcast
- Basic elements of TV broadcasting
- Capture, processing and transmission
- Transmission systems
- New technologies
- Configuration for transmission
- Image direction
- Audio operation
- VT operation
- Character operator
- Against rule
We are a family owned and operated business.
We are a family owned and operated business.

Proposed timetable - Dates to be defined
Day 5/13
Day 14/5
Day 5/15
Day 5/20
Day 5/21
Day 5/22
• Broadcast history
• Basic elements
• Capture
• Processing
• Streaming
• Image direction
• Audio operation
• VT operation
• Oper. of characters
• Against rule
Professional video
• History of cinema
• Types of cameras
• Lenses / Lighting
• Scenography
• Resolutions and codecs
• Frameworks
• Depth. field
• Editing and editing
• Color treatment
• Export and liveplay
• Delivery of credentials for access to the administrative system and brief training
We are a family owned and operated business.
• Introduction
• Mobile tools and freewares
• Basic structuring
• Typography
• Color theory
• Distribution
• Graphic production
Professional audio
• Basic elements • Capture
• Recording
• Treatment
• Mixing
• Practical applications
Student material - Check availability regularly and download your material
Professional audio
Professional video
Download the handouts.
Download the handouts.
Part 1
Part 2
Exhibition material
Exhibition material
Exhibition material
Part 3
Exhibition material
Part 1
Part 2